Happy Boxing Day to those who celebrate it. Please feel free to post in my comments to explain what Boxing Day is all about as I have no idea.
I do have an idea about something else, however. This image, which is available in my Etsy shop as a handmade card, was also uploaded to Yankee Magazine's site to share with others. (You can use it to send an ecard if you wish.)
I received a weekly email from Yankee on 12/23, and much to my surprise, they had chosen to include my photo, with credits, as part of the mailing. Merry Christmas and Happy Dance!
I hope your holidays were as joyous and 2009 will be your best year ever.
Peace, Judi
Submitted to Thematic Photographic
What a wonderful holiday surprise for you!
Wonderful shot, Judi!
And congrats- that's really great:)
Happy 2009to you as well.
p.s. So- what really that Boxing Day is?
Yippie! I love this photo, that's why I bought 3 of them this year :) Hope you had a fun trip today, see you in the next couple days to do tv swap & pick up bread & olives :) BTW, I will bring an empty DVD case with so you can check it out for inspiration and I have a photo mat for you too which I forgot to bring with on Christmas day.
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