For the second time, these same Etsy sellers held a blog treasure hunt contest, and again I was one of the winners! I won another ACEO (Art Cards, Editions and Originals) from Marlene of (yes, the same as last time) and here it is:

It is titled “Desert Cactus”. Another fabulous addition to my growing collection of ACEOs - thank you, Marlene!!
I hope you will check out Marlene’s shop to see all the other wonderful work available there.
As it happens, this week the same bloggers are having yet another contest. This time the hunt is on for water. Please check out these great blogs and the Etsy stores of the owners:
Pam: http://
On another front, this past weekend I attended the annual event known as New Bedford Summerfest. There were 6 tents with almost constant music. And if you needed a break from that, there were craft and food vendors galore!

I’ve included a few of the pics of performers here. If you’re interested, as I finish editing them I’ll be posting them to Flickr here.
Peace to all, Judi
Peace to all, Judi
(Edit at 12:45 PM - there was another A1 ad, so I've removed them from beneath the posts. This was just too much for a vegetarian to take!)
Thanks, so much for publicizing the Treasure hunt:) We could use a few more visitors.
Thanks, for stopping in to my blog, Judi...come back and post some more for more chances at the free aceos. I love the one you got from Marlene.
Thank you Judi and Carole for your kind comments, and Judi you are welcome. Also thank you for plugging our blogs and contests, it is appreciated.
Good Luck!!!
Oh cool ACEO! Would look cool in a small frame next to a pic of Wendy :-)
I'm looking forward to chatting to hear all about the weekend concert madness! Maybe dinner next week?
Word verification: inaug -- the shortened version of swearing in a President
Congrats Judi! What fun! Looks like the jazz fest was a blast too. Isn't summer wonderful!
Have not heard of a treasure hunt on etsy! Have to check that your winnings by the way!
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