
Friday, April 5, 2013

E is for Experiment-2013-095

E is for Experiment-2013-095, originally uploaded by Judi FitzPatrick Studio.

I recently bought a new camera. I'm not independently wealthy, so a full-frame DSLR was not in the budget. So I purchased the Canon EOS-60D (I've used a 40D for several years; it now needs repair.)

I enjoyed the outcome of the in-camera HDR done in my iPhone recently, so decided I needed to try out the DSLR version of this.

My editor of choice is GIMP and there is a plug-in(?) for it that performs the HDR image combining steps, much like the Photoshop process.

This image is the result of that experiment I did today. The above and below were +/-3 which I automated using the AEB function of the camera.

The results are OK to my way of thinking. Next experiment I want to try is the same image I did in the iPhone to see a side-by-side comparison - more on that another day.

Peace to all!

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