
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Day 036 - 10/10/2008 Radiance - and more

I've been involved in a Flickr group called Project 365 for 36 days now. Each day you post one photo to the group and at the end of a year you'll have a daily record of what was going on in your life.

I've decided that anytime it is a well composed photo, suitable for sharing with more of the world than just Flickr, I'm going to send it out here to the blog. I may even send some of the first thirty five shots here if they seem suitable for sharing!

I hope you enjoy seeing some of my take on the world.

Peace, Judi


On another note relating to Flickr, my note card image, Two Little Trees, was included here by Mickie as an idea for a holiday card. It is available in my shop here, hope you'll take a look. Thanks, Mickie.


Regina said...

What a great idea. Sounds like a fun flickr group.

CSD Faux Finishing said...

Hmmm...this photo is coming up as unavailable? Did you take it down? Did it sell? That would be fantastic!