
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thoughtful Thursday

What if:

you hang your laundry, instead of using the dryer, just once or twice a week?

Peace, Judi


Joanna's Foto Blog said...

saving on the electrical bill... but also, your clothes would smell of summer!

Unknown said...

Mom still hangs all her laundry and she's 80! It it smells so good!


Celtic Cat said...

I remember when my mom hung the laundry out. It would be wonderful to do it.

Suldog said...

Nothing smells quite as good as laundry dried outside!

Michelle (mkc photography) said...

I love that photo - reminds me of my grandmom's laundry line :-) We toss everything out to to dry in the summer sun when we can, except for bath towels - I get complaints that they are "scratchy" when air dried. Apparently I live with divas.

Hey Harriet said...

I always hang my washing because I don't own a dryer. Nothing beats the sweet smell of washing straight from the line. It smells like sunshine! :D

CSD Faux Finishing said...

Perfect photo to go with a perfect thought. Love it :-) One of my faves of your photos too!

readingsully2 said...

Nice photo. Well, I am too lazy! but i like the idea and I know things smell good...but also all things are stiff.