Lipton Soup onion dip and chips
Hot cheese dip with crackers
Stuffed celery
Corn on the cob
Broccoli with buttered crumbs
Apple pie
Chocolate Overkill Pie ( )
May you all have a healthy and happy Thanksgiving and holiday seaason.
Peace, Judi
sounds delicious !!! That pie looks awesome :)
Sounds darn tasty!! My ex and I used to have similar types of dishes for Turkey Day, we'd just lay stuff out on the table and nibble all day.
Lupen - check out Ginger's blog for the recipe - it's very easy and oh so yummy.
Sus - Who needs turkey when you can have lobster - probably eaten at the first Thanksgiving as they used to be abundant in the ocean off the northeast coast.
Happy t-day!
I'd gladly give up my turkey for a lobster dinner like that! Have a happy day!
Mmmmm! Sound good to me, and that pie!
Wish you could squeeze a piece through to me!
That pie looks fabulous! Happy Thanksgiving Judi! I appreciate your friendship!
Julie Magers Soulen Photography
Blog of Note
I thought I was jealous enough when I gave W the hot cheese dip recipe but you had overkill pie too??? Oh man can you say envy...did they like it?
Hope your Thanksgiving was lovely! Sure sounds like it was. The beer and cosmos would have helped, even if the lobsters got up and walked away.
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